Sunday, September 25, 2011


The eggs have arrived!  Our hens are laying beautiful eggs.  The first eggs came from the two Americanas, who lay the green eggs and the Rhode Island Red who lays brown eggs. The first eggs that a young hen lays are called pullets. They are small and some times are imperfect in shape.

 The first egg we found this morning was so exciting! The hen, one of the twins, came up to show it off and then to our surprise, she showed us another one that was hidden in the corner!  She was so proud! 

We took the eggs inside and went about our day.  The hen missed her eggs...she kept coming up to the house and at one point jumped at our sliding glass door as if she wanted in the house. It took me awhile to catch on, but we quickly learned that we need to keep golf balls in the nest boxes so the hens don't notice that we take their eggs!! The golf balls are perfect substitutes.

These eggs are absolutely delicious! The kids scarf them down!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy!!
    Grats and I looove to eat eggs.....pan fried; steamed or name it, we eat them.
    And eating totally organic, home raised chicken eggs like those is definitely the way to go.
