Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Crazy Hair

Tovrea's hair grows fast!  We are taking him for haircuts every 5 weeks. His hair is generally crazy and every morning I chase him down with the squirt bottle.  Now that it is summer, we get a little lax with the squirting and combing...

Here is what he looked like before we decided the frequent haircuts were just too frequent-

Here is what he looked like shortly after the BUZZ cut...

Two different looks...both are CRAZY.  Thinking we will keep this cute head of hair somewhere in between... but thankfully we have a few weeks, maybe even months before having to get another haircut.


  1. Hey T-Man! I love BOTH of your looks....with longer hair and without it.....No worries mate! :-)

  2. What a kid. I love you Tovrea!
    Auntie Heather
